Man Talk
It was interesting to read and hear the messages that followed my post, "A Friend of a Friend Told Me…" The comments under the post were quite telling, too; it was encouraging to see people openly discussing andropause.
The private messages were intriguing, as were the casual remarks dropped during personal encounters. It sparked conversations with many people, including professionals who don't specifically deal with this topic yet still encounter aspects of it in their work. They shared professional advice, insightful experiences, and encouraged me to write more about it.
It’s fascinating how much our culture lacks guidance on managing vulnerability. I noticed this after my article on anxiety and body image issues, too.
But this topic feels different somehow. Perhaps it’s because our masculinity, sexual performance, energy levels, "creative" capacity, and potency—whether that means making money, creating something, or having children—are so intertwined with our identity. These hit deeper than concerns over body image or the usual pressures of life.
When Katinka conceived the Lost Garden Supplements project, her first idea was to focus on men over 40. This area is so neglected. Most of the market offerings are aimed at quick, instant fixes.
This focus was highlighted in the London Nourish Awards evaluation, where we earned a 95% rating, achieving the highest recognition for our ADAM product, designed specifically to alleviate the symptoms of andropause.
It’s an important topic, neglected not only here but internationally. Even if those affected don’t want to talk about it, it's worth paying attention, staying informed, and supporting each other.
Whether it’s about a friend or a husband...
The article was translated from Hungarian to English by ChatGPT. Thank you, ChatGPT, for being here.