What does Lost Garden mean?
Almost two years ago, Kata and I discussed a business idea: creating a retreat-like, cabin-based, nature-close community garden near Tamási, which could provide a refuge for those wanting to escape the stressful city life. This would all be on nearly 3 hectares, bordering a nature reserve. This would have been Lost Garden. Or rather, hopefully, it still will be... but more on that later.
So, that was the basic idea. Kata and her brother Gábor worked a lot on the idea, the financing, and the implementation, but for various reasons, the project couldn't start back then.
Then, at the beginning of 2023, Kata and I started talking about her leaving her job and diving into something she is passionate about. Kata is a food engineer, graduated as a biotechnologist from Corvinus, and has been dealing with herbs for a long time. One of the reasons for this is that she had serious joint problems and a few other physical issues that were fundamentally rooted in emotional causes. After months of planning, she came up with the idea of wanting to create dietary supplements that are completely free of additives...
And this could also be called Lost Garden. Why?
The Lost Knowledge: Because somewhere along the way, due to modern medicine, those natural remedies that can help without side effects have almost entirely been forgotten. In Sri Lanka, we visited a herb garden and had a long conversation with the owner's son. Locals call the owner a "doctor," although he has no degree. The son said: "We used to have our herbs, then the English came, we got hospitals, and after that, we got patients..." Herbs can help solve and prevent many problems. The name Lost Garden beautifully encapsulates this meaning for us. It alludes to the nearly forgotten knowledge and herbs.
Finding Ourselves: For me, there's another very strong meaning, which is hinted at by the phrase "enter your inner garden" on the packaging. Throughout our lives, as we grow up, we live under constant expectations. We are always hearing about how we should be, what we should do. As we try to meet these expectations, we lose who we truly are. This is how the garden of our soul becomes increasingly barren, as we hardly know where to find ourselves anymore.
I feel that one of the most important goals in my life today is to return to who I truly am, to help this inner garden flourish again, to let it be that lush, strong, green, vibrant thing it can be. Our dietary supplements can help bring our bodies to a state, or close to it, where it's good to be. After all, who can feel well in a constantly aching, painful, lethargic, unusable body? How can you feel good if your body isn't good?
Our Roots: And there’s another message, perhaps hinted at by the product names ADAM and EVE. In European culture, the Bible and Christianity have very deep roots. We are full of images and associations related to this. Even if we are not believers, we know that the lost garden from which Adam and Eve were banished is the place where everything was still good. Where there was harmony with ourselves and with nature. We are looking for this place, the place where we can feel at home, where we can feel safe enough to dare to be ourselves. And that is a wonderful state.
In light of all this, Lost Garden is much more than just a dietary supplement for us. We are searching for ideas, products, and services that can fill the name with all the meaning I’ve described above.
As part of this, we plan to launch several new things in the near future. I hope that by autumn, we can already write to you about these.
Follow us on our step-by-step expanding website: www.lostgarden.hu
The article was translated from Hungarian to English by ChatGPT. Thank you, ChatGPT, for being here.