

I’ve often wondered what it must be like to live the life of a mayfly. It spends years developing in the mud, and then, in a single moment—once a year, synchronized with its kind—emerges from the river, transforming within 5-10 minutes into a fully grown adult, living out its brief few hours of adulthood.

This fleeting time is a spectacular, passionate dance above the water, encompassing flight, courtship, mating, egg-laying, and perhaps the inevitable conclusion of this sudden orgy—their demise.

What must it be like to experience this?

To exist somehow for years, to grow, to struggle, to survive, and then suddenly, as everything accelerates, to mature, to take flight, to court, to love and be loved, to create new life...

What a flash!

To be happy and then to die in an instant. And how short is this time compared to what came before?

Is this what our lives are like? Is this what awaits us?

Whether in work, in relationships, or just in a life situation, we exist for years, we struggle, we grow, and perhaps this time stretches on so long that we don’t even believe anything could ever change. After all, we so rarely see it happen to others—once a year, and it only lasts a moment. From the outside, this moment might make us question: is it all worth it?

I don’t know, but I’ll try, and being in it and dying happy will provide the answer.


The article was translated from Hungarian to English by ChatGPT. Thank you, ChatGPT, for being here.


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