

The place where we live isn’t our natural environment. The city. It’s full of stimuli, crowds, heat, honking, and tension that surround us.

We’re overstimulated.

And even when we’re alone, the fridge hums, the washing machine churns, the TV is on, or music is playing. And if not, the phone beeps with notifications.

Can we be silent?

I mean, do we even have the opportunity? And if we do, are we capable of it? In the past, I felt a void in silence. I’d immediately turn something on or start humming or whistling. And if I wasn’t alone, the idea of being silent didn’t even cross my mind. After all, how strange is it to be together and not talk, just be?

Falling silent.

In the summer of 2022, I attended my first retreat. A silence retreat. In Pannonhalma. And during those few days, as all the external noise faded, the suppressed internal voices began to emerge. Unresolved issues, my own misery, the messed-up aspects of my life. And in the monastery, there was nowhere to escape.

I’m in silence.

It’s been three days now. I’m back in Pannonhalma, in this beautiful and somehow indescribably good space. I’m in silence. I don’t speak, and there are no more internal voices. No complaints, no cries for help, no distracting stories.

There’s silence outside and inside.

It feels incredibly good.

Try being silent for a bit. Give it a try...


The article was translated from Hungarian to English by ChatGPT. Thank you, ChatGPT, for being here.


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