"I Am His Wife"


The following post was shared by Kata, my wife, on her Facebook page in celebration of our third anniversary. I love it! Both her and these words. Thank you! Thank you for us!


Our third anniversary is coming up, and it got me thinking. Three years with Balázs—three years that passed in the blink of an eye, yet somehow feel so long. But this isn't about time. I want to share a few thoughts about Balázs.

Why? Because you asked...

I often get the question: What's it like to be with him? What kind of person is he, really? Isn’t it difficult to be with someone so dominant? He’s ten years older than me—he’s turning 50 soon, though you wouldn’t guess it. He’s successful, respected, divorced, with grown children. The type who always knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Even my mom asked me at the beginning of our relationship: “Honey, are you sure this is right for you?”

But why do people ask this? Why do I hear so often that they don’t quite know where to place him? That they don’t understand what he does, why he does it, or even who he really is?

Who is he to me? I’ve been thinking about that. What is it like to live with him? How has these three years been—three years where, every single day, I still find myself marveling at how extraordinary the man beside me is? Balázs is not an ordinary man. He’s not someone you can easily categorize. He’s like multiple personalities in one—but not in a scary, schizophrenic way, don’t worry! He can be endlessly empathetic and attentive, yet when necessary, he’s firm and unwavering, cutting through tough conflicts and negotiations with ease. He balances spirituality with an incredibly structured, logical mind.

He’s the kind of person who constantly pushes himself—and those around him—onto new paths, whether in business, life, or self-discovery. That’s what happened to me too. In every sense of the word.

We are both strong, independent personalities who are used to walking our own paths. Yet somehow, he has a way of leading without force, of guiding without overpowering. It was never about who’s right, who’s in control, or who sacrifices more. I think what holds us together is respect, curiosity, and an unwavering belief in each other. There are no forced compromises, no unspoken expectations—we do things for each other because we genuinely believe in one another.

So much has happened. So much has changed in me, in my life, in everything around me, that I can hardly believe it all fit into just three years. With him, I’ve learned more about myself—who I am, how I function, what kind of partner I am, what kind of woman, what kind of wife (a word I’m still getting used to, or maybe I haven’t yet), and what kind of entrepreneur I could become. Because with Balázs, I’m not just building a life—I’m building a business too.

Thanks to him, I finally dared to leave behind years of corporate work and start something that is truly my own. Working with him is both inspiring and challenging. He’s the big-picture strategist, the one who simplifies and makes things digestible, while I fine-tune the details. He’s the visionary, I’m the creator. He’s the faith, I’m the practicality. Of course, sometimes our perspectives clash. But that’s exactly what makes us a great team. Our debates don’t destroy—they build.

The most important thing for him is honest communication. We talk about everything. No hidden truths. If we disagree, we don’t sweep it under the rug—we work through it until we understand each other’s point of view. He taught me this, how to do this in a way that isn’t hurtful, where everything can be said.

Balázs isn’t just my most important business partner—he is my partner in every sense of the word. He’s the person who doesn’t just say he supports me—he stands behind me, truly. If I’m exhausted, he cooks. If chaos surrounds me, he restores order. If I’m uncertain, he listens. But he doesn’t just hand me solutions—he holds up a mirror so I can find them myself. He always asks the right questions. If I succeed, he celebrates with me, because he knows that my success is his success too.

What I admire most about him is his resilience. The way he handles failures—not as defeats, not as shame, but as a natural part of life. He sees them as lessons. He never gives up. He always rethinks, reworks, and while doing so, he lifts others up with him. He inspires. He teaches. Not because it’s his job, but because it’s his nature.

What is it like to be Balázs’s wife, partner, and business collaborator? Sometimes, it feels like having a 24/7 mentor. Other times, it feels like I’m his inspiration, his muse. But in reality, we are neither teacher nor student. We are a team. Two people moving forward together, building shared dreams, shaping each other along the way.

I don’t know exactly where our path will lead. But one thing is certain: as long as we walk it together, every single moment will be worth it.


The article was translated from Hungarian to English by ChatGPT. Thank you, ChatGPT, for being here.


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